Dettaglio Pubblicazioni

Psicologia Mar 1991

Il suicidio. Meccanismi induttori e prognostici: sindrome presuicidale e crisi narcisistica.

 The present study continues the analisys into unconscious dynamics who can induce a person to suicide.
   Among the psychodynamic moments, cames extrapolated with prognostic value of the "danger situation" the presuicidal-syndrome, who cames considered as fundamental sympthom.
The presuicidal-syndrome in three phases divisible(affect-contraction, aggressivenes(reprisal), suicide phantasy)is an important index for the prevention of suicide, a particular manner in case of "subject to risk" The study makes in obviouness as the wounded and inadequate narcissism be the main entrance of a person in the presuicidal-syndrome.

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